Network Talk

Iptables Sheet

13 Aug 2013, Posted by BoB in All Posts, Computer Talk, Network Talk

Here is a breakdown of some iptable commands. udp - User Datagram Protocol (streams without checking) tcp - Transmission Control Protocol (checks if destination is available) # input and output commands -A OUTPUT -d [IP ADDRESS] -o eth0 -p tcp --dport [DESTINATION PORT NUMBER] -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -d [IP...

Subnetting Sheet

11 Aug 2013, Posted by BoB in All Posts, Network Talk

For those interesting in tackling subnetting, this topic came up at work and looked around for some vaid info. I hope this helps you the way it helped me. Download PDF ...

DNS Changer Info

09 Jul 2012, Posted by BoB in All Posts, Computer Talk, Network Talk

Here are some useful links if you are concerned about this DNS changer malware. (Video breakdown of malware and resolution) (Website with more info) Make sure DNS IPs in your computer and/or router do not match these before any other steps are taken: - - -...


28 Apr 2011, Posted by BoB in All Posts, Computer Talk, Network Talk, Website Talk

Permissions: u - User who owns the file. g - Group that owns the file. o - Other. a - All. r - Read the file. w - Write or edit the file. x - Execute or run the file as a program. Numeric Permissions: 400 read by owner 040 read by group 004 read by...